Thursday, March 17, 2011


Salam semua...
Pejam.. celik.. pejam... celik... pejam lagik.. celik lagik... tup, tup dah hampir 10 years i've been working in finance/ accouting field. Blom campur time study dulu and even dr umur 16tahun. Hmmmm... memang byk la angka tuh. Bosan? Boring? Memang pon.. Tengok duit bebanyak dlm account, tengok currency turun naik, bukan I punyer pon... huhuhu...
memang la sumer ni bukan hak I pon. Even keje memana pon for sure bukan I punyer.
Melainkan I set up business sendiri. Baru ler kira i punyer... How I wish to have one..;)
Dah seminggu fikir dak tukar profession. Even dh cross my mind 5-6 years before pon.
Tak tau la and its always cross in my mind, 'kenapa la aku study accounting dulu?'.
Well, nobody influence/forced me pon at that time.
Hari ini, 18 Mar 2011 dengan rasa takut2 masuk bilik Mr Raj...
'Mr Raj, I saw the vacancy at the Jobstreet. May I apply for the position vacant at your department?' hehehe...
'If you ask me can or not, of course u can apply' Mr Raj replied.
Wah... what is a very interested intro...
After a few minuts conversation is ended.
And I felt sooooooooooooo release. At least apa yang ada dlm kotak hati I dah pon keluar.
Just pending for his confirmation.
After 2-3 hours, there is a Instant Messenger from Nizamil.
'Azi, which position you want? Doc. Control or Compliance?'
hehehe... rasa macam dah ada jalan untuk keluar dari 'aquarium' nih...
Believe what? After I out from finance meeting, I get a VERY GOOD news from him
'I dah discuss with Raj. You can proceed to discuss with your direct report and HR to process your internal posting'
hahahahaha... sekarang I dah boleh SMILEEEEE!!!!!
See... dalam sehari jer process tu. Tapi semua dah berlaku pon.
And I dah berjaya pon..I meant 70%. Its just... now depends on my boss...
How I wish he will release me...;(
Oh please..... dont stop me at this time. I really want to leave.
Pleasee.... Please... Please....
Kenapa I nak tukar career?
1. Sebab I dah bosan duduk di finance nih
2. I want a new JD
5. Penat buat bende yang sama
6. Penat tengok 'drama swasta' tak berbayar
7. Kalau I retire one day, I akan keluar dengan more than one experience...
8. Target nak kerja tak lama pon lagik. Maybe takes about 4-5 years from now on.
9. Nak retire after my sawit sumer dh mendatangkan hasil.. aminn... cepat2 besar k....;)
OK la.. next time I story lagik apa I punyer new JD..;)


  1. xde basic lgsg dlm akaun tp sy kje sbg akauntan kt opis ni..sgt sakit kepale la....salu je xbalance..sob2

  2. queen... what is so weird... no basic at all tp jd accountant. lagi feninn... huhuhu

  3. :(....salu bodek bos suh anta p bljr akaun..huhu

  4. hehe... bagus3. pi la bljr. bagus tmbh ilmu nih.. xrugi pon... i likeee...
